A földügyi szakigazgatás hivatalos honlapja
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Küldetés és jövőkép
TakarNet tájékoztató
Földhivatal Online
Project information in English PDF Nyomtatás E-mail
2009. október 30.


The Hungarian unified land registration system as vital part of the national basic data structure reached such a level of service that has a promising future.
See more details about the Hungarian system and about our previous developments in the summary document called The Cadastral System in Hungary, February 2009 prepared for PCC (Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union).
However, without improving electronic network services and renewing the technological background, the current system cannot provide a solid authorized basis anymore that would directly or indirectly guarantee the fulfilment of the aims of the Hungarian development policy.

The MISSION for the land administration of Hungary:
„To become an efficiently operating and successful institution, which guarantees geo-referenced real property related rights for facilitating secure property transactions, and providing an infrastructure and services for economic, environmental and social purposes.”

With the aim of reaching these goals, the land administration elaborated a long-term development programme called ”Digital Land Office”. The chance to complete this programme was created when the financial resources provided for the coming years by Hungary and the EU were opened. The expected result of the step-by-step development is a completely electronic case management and data servicing in the land offices. The first step within this programme is the project called Non-stop Land Office Data Service via the Client's Gate, or its short name TakarNet24.


"TakarNet24 - Non-stop Land Office Data Service via the Client's Gate" project

Evolution towards the Digital Land Office
paper presented at FIG Working Week "Integrating the Generations" 14-19 June, 2008, Stockholm, Sweden

Land Administration Standards and their Implementation in Practice
paper presented at FIG Working Week "Surveyors Key Role in Accelerated Develeopment" 3-8 May, 2009, Eilat, Israel

Land Office Data Service Round the Clock
an interview published in the IT-Business magazine, 15 September, 2009, Budapest

TakarNet24 project, towards e-Land Administration in Hungary 
ppt presentation given at the Open Symposium on "Progressing towards U-Cadastre" 15 October, 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia




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